Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tim Tams.

Dearest Melbourne,

So this past month or so has been incredibly busy and eventful - not the least because I became an auntie (squee!); had visitors from Melbourne; caught up with people; broke in new boots; did the whole Christmas with the family thing; explored London on foot; handed in a whopping essay; lugged luggage; met some ducks; got new jeans; wrote a massive folio and discovered that 2012 is indeed going to be as epic as the font on the movie poster suggested.

I also ate almost an entire packet of tim tams.

Comfort food is an interesting thing - and not the focus of this post, at somepoint in my life I may decide it is worth articulating and understanding my relationship with cake - but comfort food imported from THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD is another thing all together. Living in Melbourne I didn't eat very many Tim Tams at all, sure I liked them but the packets are big for one and good for sharing so I never, ever ate as many as I did this time. They lasted two days and I ate the last couple for breakfast.

And you know what they never tasted so good.

Thanks to the lovlies that lead me to the Australia Shop - Covent Garden is totally the place to source so many wonderful treats.

So, Melbourne I sort of ate you in someways, and you tasted as lovely as you actually are.

Now back to the folio and my (for now) tim-tam-less existance!
