Thursday, December 1, 2011

Winter Wonder.

Dear Melbourne,

Today is the first day of summer as I was reminded by the facebook update from the University of Melbourne. HA! Tell that to Norwich. Tell that to the Northern Hemisphere! For half the world it is the first day of winter. So much for summer vacation plans Unimelbs, it's all about rugging up and sipping on mulled wine over here.

It's terribly confusing. Not as confusing as it might have been last year when there had already been a lot of snow by the start of December. But still, my head can't get around it and I have to conciously have a 'season awareness' or the opposite thing comes out frequently in conversation, especially when people are talking about months. This is amusing of course, but a little impractical.

Anyways for the first time in many years I have an Advent Calendar! It's really rather adorable. One window open and 24 to go.


1 comment:

  1. Really nice article posted you dear! Your taste looks in this article.... Cheers!

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